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About Brad Kronlund

My name is Brad Kronlund and I am the owner and creator of Custom Cat Cribs. I started Custom Cat Cribs in August of 2014 when I was 15 years old.


I got the idea to start building cat furniture after my dad had seen a little cardboard tunnel system I made for my cat at the time. He suggested I try building cat trees as he knew about my love for pets, specifically cats. After he suggested the idea, I was instantly intrigued and eager to get started.

The First Cat Tree

I began building some prototypes in my garage, and then began trying to sell them on Kijiji. I was surprised at the demand for custom made cat furniture at the time, I had just started yet I was already selling models.


Over the years I have began to find my niche, offering unique cat furniture products. I would consider myself a very creative artistic person, so I like being able to express that through my work.


Through the years I have slowly been able to improve and expand on my work to what it is today. This is something I would like to see myself doing for a long time as I have some long-term plans I would love to see come to fruition.


2000 Experience Counts

Custom Cat Cribs has produced over 2000 pieces of cat furniture since beginning business in 2014. Over the years we have satisfied hundreds of customers, both clients and their pets.


We also take pride in being able to support and donate to local pet groups and shelters across Southern Alberta

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